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Hello! I'm Cristina

Spiritual Life Coach & Hypnotherapist

My story

From early age I had an interest in global peace and poverty reduction. And this prompted me to study sociology and law in Colombia. However, two years after I started my studies, I began to feel terrified at the thought of living the life of a “normal adult.” It seemed impossible to me to think that I had been born only to grow up, have a degree, get married, take out a house mortgage, have children, a dog and wait for retirement... So, I started looking for possibilities to change my destiny and I thought that studying abroad was the best option. Secretly, I applied to several scholarships in different countries. And… Guess what? … I was granted a scholarship to study international law in Moscow, Russia… I didn't know the language and I had to start over my bachelor studies, but I was excited to go to a place so different from my culture. I moved to Moscow and during those five years my perception of life and the planet changed completely. Although I knew that I didn't like what I was studying, I didn't pay attention to it; instead, I became an avid traveler and I visited more than 30 countries. In the last year of my bachelor, trying to escape the “normal adult” life again, I applied for scholarships to do a master's degree; and that is how I ended up living in Bern, Switzerland. But, when I finished my master's degree, I felt like I landed suddenly. I could no longer escape the “normal adult” life, as I had to work, and my studies would not serve anymore as an excuse to continue traveling. I assimilated it with resistance and focused on the initial objective for which I had decided to study law - i.e., contributing to global peace by reducing poverty and social inequality. I worked at a law firm advising governments of least developed countries in Africa and Asia, as well as in international organizations dedicated to promoting sustainable development. But the more I spent time at work, the more I realized there was an underlying problem. And that is that for real change to happen, we do not only need improved socioeconomic policies, but a paradigm shift in humanity. Otherwise, we will continue reproducing the same systems based on fear and survival. Coming to this conclusion was disappointing. So, I gave up on the daily routine. I settled for receiving a salary, saving money and waiting for holidays, because that's how “normal adults” are supposed to live. But when you are not aligned with your soul, it does not remain silent, on the contrary, it speaks louder. So, I started to feel void and to hate my job. I thought the problem was the organization, my colleagues, my partners, my friends, etc. I didn't know who to blame for my emotional state, so I blamed them all 😅. And one day, during a deep emotional crisis, I decided to seek help and started going to therapy. Psychotherapy, alternative and other holistic therapies... Tried many of them! They all helped me peel the onion little by little. I realized that I knew so many details about other cultures and countries, but I knew very little about myself, my fears, my qualities, my dreams. Ultimately, I didn't know who I was. I understood that the problem was not my work, nor my colleagues, nor my family or ex-partners. The problem was that I had abandoned myself. Taking responsibility for the choices I made and beginning to transform my life was quite a challenge. But honestly, it has been a great liberation. Today, I feel connected to a part of me that I was completely unaware of. I call it inner wisdom… (others call it Higher Self) Listening to and trusting my inner wisdom has allowed me to heal, transform my life and gradually materialize the life I dreamed of, i.e., quitting my job, living at my own pace, feeling at peace, and helping others transform their lives. The more I do my work as a spiritual life coach, the more I reaffirm that ALL humans are infinitely wise. But we need to remove the obstacles that prevent us from acknowledging that wisdom. I love what I do, and I fully trust that the more more humans surrender to recognizing their inner wisdom, together we will be able to create societies where humans live in peace with each other and the natural world. With love,


  • Certified Hypnotherapist by the School of Rapid Transformational Therapy®

  • Certified Spiritual Life Coach by Transformation Academy

  • Access Bars Practitioner®

  • Freedom Healing® Therapist

  • Facilitator of the technique Sanación de los Registros del Inconsciente (Healing of the Records of the Unconscious)

  • Facilitator of Sirius Numerology and Claves Tonales Pleyadianas®

  • Facilitator of the energy harmonization technique Calibración Espiritual Siriana

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